How to take over the world

Picture of How to take over the world 

Everyone wants to be the runner of the world. Because running the world is awesome. But first, you'll need some other awesome things to rule the world. 

Step 1: Building an awesome army.

 Not everyone is gonna want you to take over the world, so you'll need an army. You can make one from robots, aliens, and (although boring) humans. But humans need food, while robots can run off the sun, and aliens eat humans for substanince (but your not human, your pure awesomeness in the form of a human). Humans are also REALLY unreliable, so I'd try and get one of the first two choices.

Step 2: Making everyone do what you want.

 Having a huge awesome army isn't enough though. Humans tend to be "brave", and seem to fight way to hard. So, your gonna have to have some sort of threat that would ruin their world, but not really affect you. Something like a death ray, a whole bunch of poison, a sun blocker, or a weird virus which could be released upon everyone. Be creative!

Step 3: Enslaving everyone.

Well, now you've got your threat to society, and an army to be your eyes, ears, and beating sticks (Ugly sticks to all you english people). Everyone should pretty much do what you want, and if not, kill them. Remember, when in doubt, shoot them in the head. Or get one of your army men to eat them. Whichever is more convenient. But don't forget, in order to instill fear, people have to live. Give everyone a required amount of child birth mark, and some food every now and then. Living slaves are commandable ones!

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